Houdini中的VDB基础知识VDB Basics in Houdini

Houdini中的VDB基础知识VDB Basics in Houdini

This is a great intro video that will teach you useful tricks for getting started making use of Houdini powerful vdbs. Will cover some of the main functions and practical uses that can be very useful in production as well. Ill also give you an idea of how to use vdbs creatively to elevate the control you have over objects.

For more fire visit: https://www.rmadesign.tv/rmafire
这是一个很棒的介绍性视频,它将教您一些有用的技巧,以开始使用功能强大的Houdini vdb。还将涵盖在生产中也非常有用的一些主要功能和实际用途。病还给了您一个关于如何创造性地使用vdb来提升对对象的控制的想法。

For more fire visit: https://www.rmadesign.tv/rmafire