Houdini与UE制作WFC地牢WFC Dungeon

Houdini与UE制作WFC地牢WFC Dungeon

WFC Dungeon _ Introduction

ALL THE LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/wfc-dungeon-generator/
To start you will take a look at the completed asset in UE4 and explore some of its capabilities. You will then review how the tool is setup in Houdini to understand the techniques that will be taught in the following four lessons.
ALL THE LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/wfc-dungeon-generator/


WFC Dungeon _ Part 1 _ Wave Function Collapse Nodes

ALL THE LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/wfc-dungeon-generator/
In this lesson, you will take a look at the WFC nodes available in SideFX Labs and how they work together to create patterns that can be used to generate a level. You will then use the Wang Tiles Sample node from SideFX Labs to populate the grid and create the basic shape of a finished level.
ALL THE LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/wfc-dungeon-generator/
在本课程中,您将了解SideFX Labs中可用的WFC节点,以及它们如何协同工作以创建可用于生成关卡的模式。然后,您将使用来自SideFX Labs的Wang Tiles Sample节点来填充网格并创建完成关卡的基本形状。


WFC Dungeon _ Part 2 _ Basic Layout using WFC

ALL THE LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/wfc-dungeon-generator/
Now that you have the points and can see the level taking shape, the next step is to start assigning references to geometry in UE4 so that the points can be populated with assets. This will involve tools such as the Attribute Value Replace node which allows you to more easily assign Blueprint references.
ALL THE LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/wfc-dungeon-generator/


WFC Dungeon _ Part 3 _ Add Walls and Cliffs

ALL THE LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/wfc-dungeon-generator/
Because of their sideways orientation, the walls and cliff faces require a special setup. This involves creating points that have their normals aimed the right way and ensuring that these walls can be procedurally generated from the WFC level design.
ALL THE LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/wfc-dungeon-generator/


WFC Dungeon _ Part 4 _ Decorate the Rooms

ALL THE LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/wfc-dungeon-generator/
To populate the level with columns, crates, debris and enemies, you will use the existing geometry and layer in a secondary WFC setup to procedurally generate the decorations. This demonstrates how WFC can be used in many different ways to create rich game levels that are ready for gameplay.
ALL THE LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/wfc-dungeon-generator/