Houdini与UE5程序化堆叠工具Project Titan Stacking Tool

Houdini与UE5程序化堆叠工具Project Titan Stacking Tool

Project Titan Stacking Tool _ Overview

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-stacking-tool/
A quick overview of all the different parts of the Stacking tool lesson. Take a look at where you are headed with this lesson.


Project Titan Stacking Tool _ Part 1 _ Unreal Engine Setup

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-stacking-tool/
Learn how to set up Data Tables in Unreal using Blueprint. This table will reference Megascan assets that you want to use in the stacking tool down the line.You also need to set up a Box brush in Unreal which will be used as the bounding area for the stacked assets. An empty HDA is then imported to allow for a Session Sync between Houdini and Unreal.
了解如何使用蓝图在 Unreal 中设置数据表。此表将引用您想在堆叠工具中使用的 Megascan 资产。您还需要在 Unreal 中设置一个盒子画笔,它将用作堆叠资产的边界区域。然后导入一个空的 HDA 以允许 Houdini 和 Unreal 之间的会话同步。


Project Titan Stacking Tool _ Part 2 _ Setting up the HDA

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-stacking-tool/
Learn how to create the tool in Houdini and get the first level of asset packing complete. Starting with an object merge node, you will connect to the data table created in the previous lesson. You will then manage the data inside Houdini and set up a copy to point node to assign a box to the points created by the data table.
了解如何在 Houdini 中创建工具并完成第一级资产打包。从对象合并节点开始,您将连接到在上一课中创建的数据表。然后,您将在 Houdini 中管理数据并设置复制到点节点,以将框分配给数据表创建的点。


Project Titan Stacking Tool _ Part 3 _ Packing Assets

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-stacking-tool/
Learn how to set up a volume which will contain the stacked assets. Set up the rotation and scale of each instance and use a UV Layout tool to organize the geometry. Explore a variety of settings that let you control the size and shape of the assets within the volume.
了解如何设置包含堆叠资产的卷。设置每个实例的旋转和缩放,并使用 UV 布局工具来组织几何体。探索可让您控制体积内资产的大小和形状的各种设置。


Project Titan Stacking Tool _ Part 4 _ Stacking Assets

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-stacking-tool/
Learn how to add vertical stacking into your tool. This involves isolating the tops of the first layer of assets then clustering them together to add points for a new layer. A for-each loop is then set up to allow for more than 2 stacking layers and steps are taken to make sure each layer works. Some finishing touches will be added to make sure the original geometry is being instanced properly.
了解如何将垂直堆叠添加到您的工具中。这涉及隔离第一层资产的顶部,然后将它们聚集在一起以添加新层的点。然后设置一个 for-each 循环以允许超过 2 个堆叠层,并采取步骤确保每个层都有效。将添加一些收尾工作以确保正确实例化原始几何体。


Project Titan Stacking Tool _ Part 5 _ Simulation

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-stacking-tool/
To create a more realistic settling of the upper stack layers, RBD simulation tools are added to the digital asset. This is a case where simulation is used as a modeling tool. You will then explore how this stacking tool could be repurposed for different situations.
为了更真实地设置上层堆栈,将 RBD 模拟工具添加到数字资产中。这是使用模拟作为建模工具的情况。然后,您将探索如何将这种堆叠工具重新用于不同的情况。
