H19面部自动绑定How To Use Kevfx Facial Auto-Rig H19
The facial auto-rig is joint-based, which means no blendshape modelling needed !!
Also the rig configuration can be easily applied to different characters because it is joint-based !
Example preset provided for easy start !
– It is based on KineFX of Houdini 19 !
– The term ‘blendshape’ used in the video means ‘facial expression component’.
(‘blendshape’ is used by the houdini mocap node, but for this tool, it means the individual facial expression component because the rig is joint based.)
00:00 Overall structure
06:47 The auto-rig node
07:05 Combined viewport controls
07:45 Facial mocap
09:05 Offline facial mocap
09:54 Offline facial mocap example
10:23 Initial skeleton
11:33 Add extra joints to init skeleton
11:58 Facial auto-rig node
13:13 Blendshape (facial expression component) setup
15:37 Use example preset as starting point
16:20 Start config from scratch
18:34 How translation xforms work
23:52 How rotate xforms work
24:40 How scale xforms work
25:08 How to use hierarchical and compute xform functions
26:03 Config tongue example
27:53 Further explain hierarchical and compute xform functions
28:11 Config jaw example
29:25 Explain again hierarchical and compute xform functions
30:01 Test the config with viewport ctrls
31:52 Input anim data modifier
34:16 Use the preset as starting point again
34:44 Capture layer paint
– 基于Houdini 19的KineFX!
– 视频中使用的术语“混合形状”是指“面部表情组件”。
(houdini mocap 节点使用’blendshape’,但对于这个工具,它意味着单个面部表情组件,因为绑定是基于关节的。)
00:00 整体结构
06:47 自动装配节点
07:05 组合视口控件
07:45 面部动作捕捉
09:05 离线面部动作捕捉
09:54 离线面部动作捕捉示例
10:23 初始骨架
11:33 为初始化骨架添加额外的关节
11:58 面部自动绑定节点
13:13 Blendshape(面部表情组件)设置
15:37 使用示例预设作为起点
16:20 从头开始u200bu200b配置
18:34 翻译 xforms 的工作原理
23:52 旋转 xforms 的工作原理
24:40 缩放 xforms 的工作原理
25:08 如何使用分层和计算 xform 函数
26:03 配置舌头u200bu200b示例
27:53 进一步解释分层和计算 xform 函数
28:11 配置下颌示例
29:25 再次解释分层和计算 xform 函数
30:01 使用视口 ctrls 测试配置
31:52 输入动画数据修改器
34:16 再次使用预设作为起点
34:44 捕获层油漆