如何一口吃个胖子?学习Houdini的技巧Tips for Learning SideFX Houdini or Anything at all!

如何一口吃个胖子?学习Houdini的技巧Tips for Learning SideFX Houdini or Anything at all!

How do you get started on something that looks really daunting and impossible… like learning Houdini? Just like eating an elephant, you have to do it one step at a time. Here are some practical strategies for “eating that elephant.”

Machine FX is the home of Sean Lewkiw’s SideFX Houdini tutorials. If you’re interested in learning computer graphics for VFX, games, motion design, or CG animation, this is the place to start!
你如何开始做一些看起来非常令人生畏和不可能的事情……比如学习 Houdini?就像吃大象一样,你必须一步一步地去做。这里有一些“吃掉那头大象”的实用策略。

Machine FX 是 Sean Lewkiw 的 SideFX Houdini 教程的所在地。如果您有兴趣学习用于 VFX、游戏、动作设计或 CG 动画的计算机图形学,那么这里就是您的起点!
