程序化构建城市Assembling your City : Procedural Building Modules

程序化构建城市Assembling your City : Procedural Building Modules

Assembling your City – Part 1: Procedural Building Modules

The basis of cities are their buildings, but how do you start creating them while keeping an overview? That is what we will be doing in this tutorial.
This tutorial was made in response to the Christmas request where you guys could request a tutorial topic.
Scenefiles: dokaitutorials.com/assembling-your-city-1/
Scenefiles: dokaitutorials.com/assembling-your-city-1/


Assembling your City – Part 2: Layout Generation

In this tutorial we will set the basis for the layout generation in this series. We start by dividing up the complex issue which is layout generation and in the end have a framework which is going to help us in the upcoming tutorials.
Free scenefile: dokaitutorials.com/assembling-your-city-2/
Free scenefile: dokaitutorials.com/assembling-your-city-2/


Assembling your City – Part 3: Room setup

In this tutorial we will be going over subdividing polygons while maintaining control.
Free scenefile: dokaitutorials.com/assembling-your-city-3/
Free scenefile: dokaitutorials.com/assembling-your-city-3/