SideFX官方Vellum模块精讲Vellum Nodes

SideFX官方Vellum模块精讲Vellum Nodes

01 _ Vellum Nodes _ Cloth

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Vellum Cloth is super fun to play with and there are many things you can do with it. Go through the basics of setting up a cloth sim then explore other techniques such as pinning points, adding forces or painting attributes to control the results.

Vellum Cloth 玩起来非常有趣,你可以用它做很多事情。完成设置布料模拟的基础知识,然后探索其他技术,例如固定点、添加力或绘画属性来控制结果。


02 _ Vellum Nodes _ Balloon

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Vellum Balloon lets you quickly create pleasing soft body simulations. Learn how to set up the simulation and how to work with various parameters such as pressure or stiffness to get the look you want.

Vellum Balloon 可让您快速创建令人愉悦的软体模拟。了解如何设置模拟以及如何使用各种参数(例如压力或刚度)来获得所需的外观。


03 _ Vellum Nodes _ Hair

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Vellum Hair is very versatile and can be used in many different situations. Start out with a basic hair setup and explore some of its key features. This video highlights the use of bend and stretch stiffness to control the results.

Vellum Hair 用途广泛,可用于许多不同的情况。从基本的头发设置开始并探索其一些主要功能。该视频重点介绍了使用弯曲和拉伸刚度来控制结果。


04 _ Vellum Nodes _ Glue

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Vellum Glue is a very useful add-on node that searches for nearby geometry then adds a constraint between the points. Learn how to use this node to connect two different vellum types such as hairs and balloons then how to attach and break apart these constraints.

Vellum Glue 是一个非常有用的附加节点,它搜索附近的几何图形,然后在点之间添加约束。了解如何使用此节点连接两种不同的牛皮纸类型,例如头发和气球,然后了解如何附加和分离这些约束。


05 _ Vellum Nodes _ Pin to Target

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Pin to Target is a Vellum node that has many use cases. You can set up rigid or soft constraints that create very different results. You can also set up pins that are released when needed to break apart the connected pieces.

Pin to Target 是一个 Vellum 节点,有很多用例。您可以设置刚性约束或软约束,从而产生截然不同的结果。您还可以设置在需要断开连接件时释放的引脚。


06 _ Vellum Nodes _ Grains

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Vellum Grains are basically points that you can simulate in many different ways. Start with a basic setup then learn how to get control over the simulation. In many cases, a Vellum Glue node will be used together with grains to get control over the clustering of the points.

牛皮纸颗粒基本上是您可以通过多种不同方式模拟的点。从基本设置开始,然后学习如何控制模拟。在许多情况下,Vellum Glue 节点将与颗粒一起使用以控制点的聚类。


07 _ Vellum Nodes _ Strut Softbody

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Vellum Strut Softbody offers you per point constraints that are very flexible when simulating. After setting up a simple example you will compare different methods of achieving compelling soft body results. Create a shrink wrap effect using two pieces of geometry.

Vellum Strut Softbody 为您提供模拟时非常灵活的每点约束。设置一个简单的示例后,您将比较实现引人注目的柔体效果的不同方法。使用两块几何体创建收缩包裹效果。


08 _ Vellum Nodes _ Rest Blend

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Vellum Rest Blend lets you morph between different rest states of geometry updating the constraints for you to achieve interesting results. You can set up the rest blend up in SOPS or in DOPS. Learn the difference between these two methods.

Vellum Rest Blend 可让您在几何体的不同静止状态之间变形,为您更新约束以获得有趣的结果。您可以在 SOPS 或 DOPS 中设置其余的混合。了解这两种方法之间的区别。


09 _ Vellum Nodes _ Tetrahedral Softbody

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Vellum Tetrahedral Softbody is another way to create soft bodies in Houdini. These have a localized self preservation and can be set up with plasticity to maintain the deformed shape as it is being simulated instead of bouncing back to its original shape.

Vellum Tetrahedral Softbody 是另一种在 Houdini 中创建柔体的方法。它们具有局部自我保存,并且可以通过可塑性进行设置,以在模拟时保持变形的形状,而不是弹回其原始形状。


10 _ Vellum Nodes _ Weld

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Vellum Weld fuses points during simulation where you can tear surfaces apart. Learn how to set up a surface for welding using the edge fracture to break up along existing topology lines. You will then learn how to control the breaking or tearing of the surface during simulation.

Vellum Weld 在模拟过程中融合点,您可以在其中将表面撕开。了解如何使用边缘断裂沿现有拓扑线分解来设置焊接表面。然后,您将学习如何在模拟过程中控制表面的破裂或撕裂。
