

Karma 01 _ Overview

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/karma-a-beautiful-game/
In this part you will discover how to use this series of tutorials to its fullest. To follow along with this series, you can download the files from the links below:


Karma 02 _ Mantra to Karma Transition

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/karma-a-beautiful-game/
In this part you will learn what has been introduced to Karma in Houdini 19.0 as well as how these features compare to Mantra’s features. This part briefly explores how Karma can be used instead of Mantra without much of a change to the workflow of rendering in Houdini.
在这一部分中,您将了解 Houdini 19.0 中引入了 Karma 的内容,以及这些功能与 Mantra 功能的比较。这部分简要探讨了如何使用 Karma 代替 Mantra,而无需对 Houdini 中的渲染工作流程进行太多更改。


Karma 03 _ Karma ROP and Karma XPU

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/karma-a-beautiful-game/
In this part you will learn how to use the new Karma ROP and how this allows you to work with the new Karma viewport without needing to convert your SOP level setup to LOPS. Additionally, you will learn about the basics of rendering in Karma. The tutorial ends with a brief look at Karma XPU Alpha as well as what is currently supported by the XPU engine.
在这一部分中,您将学习如何使用新的 Karma ROP,以及它如何允许您使用新的 Karma 视口,而无需将您的 SOP 级别设置转换为 LOPS。此外,您将了解 Karma 中渲染的基础知识。本教程最后简要介绍了 Karma XPU Alpha 以及 XPU 引擎当前支持的内容。


Karma 04 _ MaterialX and VEX Shaders

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/karma-a-beautiful-game/
In this part you will learn how to create VEX based shaders within the Solaris context using the Principled Shader. This part will then show you how to create an identical shader using MaterialX. Finally, this tutorial will briefly explore the USD Preview Shader.
在这一部分中,您将学习如何使用 Principled Shader 在 Solaris 上下文中创建基于 VEX 的着色器。然后,这部分将向您展示如何使用 MaterialX 创建相同的着色器。最后,本教程将简要探讨 USD 预览着色器。


Karma 05 _ Solaris Scene Setup and Lighting

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/karma-a-beautiful-game/
In this part you will learn how to create a basic lighting and camera setup in Solaris. This part explores the various lights that can be used within Solaris as well as the new IES option for spotlights. Additionally, this tutorial utilizes the light mixer to adjust lights from a single intuitive node. Finally, the Snapshot feature is explored for storing test renders and reverting to prior Setups.
在这一部分中,您将学习如何在 Solaris 中创建基本的照明和相机设置。本部分探讨了可在 Solaris 中使用的各种灯光以及用于聚光灯的新 IES 选项。此外,本教程利用灯光混合器从单个直观节点调整灯光。最后,探索了用于存储测试渲染和恢复到先前设置的快照功能。


Karma 06 _ Render Settings

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/karma-a-beautiful-game/
In this part, you will be taken through the various settings of the Karma render node within the Solaris context. Concepts such as sampling, convergence modes, denoising, limits, and depth of field are addressed. These concepts are carried through to rendering with the Karma ROP node.
在本部分中,您将了解 Solaris 上下文中 Karma 渲染节点的各种设置。讨论了采样、收敛模式、去噪、限制和景深等概念。这些概念通过 Karma ROP 节点进行渲染。


Karma 07 _ Motion Blur, Velocity Blur and Volume Blur

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/karma-a-beautiful-game/
In this part you will be introduced to motion blur within the LOPS context and how to deal with motion which needs to be cached. Furthermore, this part explores velocity blur for both geometry and volumes using the ‘@v’ velocity attribute as well as the ‘vel’ VDB grid.
在这一部分中,您将了解 LOPS 上下文中的运动模糊以及如何处理需要缓存的运动。此外,这部分使用“@v”速度属性以及“vel”VDB 网格探索几何体和体积的速度模糊。


Karma 08 _ Volumes

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/karma-a-beautiful-game/
In this part you will learn how to create a shader for volumes with VEX based shaders as well as with MaterialX. Additionally, you will learn how to use the new shaped volume within Solaris.
在本部分中,您将学习如何使用基于 VEX 的着色器以及 MaterialX 为体积创建着色器。此外,您将学习如何在 Solaris 中使用新的成形卷。


Karma 09 _ AOV Data LPE Tags Cryptomattes and Z-Depth

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/karma-a-beautiful-game/
In this part you will learn how to utilize Arbitrary Output Variables also known as AOVs to create extra image planes at render time. These image planes contain useful information such as ray contribution to BSDF components. In this part you will learn how to recreate a beauty pass after separating the light contributions of each light in the scene into its individual contributions using LPE tags. Additionally, you will learn about how to output Cryptomattes and Z-Depth using the additional render vars.
在本部分中,您将学习如何利用任意输出变量(也称为 AOV)在渲染时创建额外的图像平面。这些图像平面包含有用的信息,例如光线对 BSDF 组件的贡献。在这一部分中,您将学习如何在使用 LPE 标签将场景中每个灯光的灯光贡献分离为其单独的贡献后重新创建美颜通道。此外,您将了解如何使用额外的渲染变量输出 Cryptomattes 和 Z-Depth。


Karma 10 _ Deep Camera Maps, Cropping, Overscan and Extras

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/karma-a-beautiful-game/
In this part, you will learn some of the more niche settings for Karma. This includes using deep
camera maps (DCMs), cropping or overscanning either in camera or in the output node and
some other useful tips.
在这一部分,您将了解 Karma 的一些更小众的设置。这包括使用深
相机贴图 (DCM),在相机或输出节点中进行裁剪或过扫描,以及
