藤蔓工具Project Titan Ivy Tool

藤蔓工具Project Titan Ivy Tool

Project Titan Ivy Tool _ Overview

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-ivy-tool/
Learn how to build an Ivy tool from scratch that uses an input shape to grow ivy. The tool will generate branches and then place leaves on these branches. The tool incorporates simulation to handle falling branches of ivy. Learn how to package up the tool as a digital asset in Houdini then use it in Unreal Engine using the artist-friendly interface.
了解如何从头开始构建一个使用输入形状来生长 ivy 的 Ivy 工具。该工具将生成树枝,然后将树叶放在这些树枝上。该工具结合了模拟来处理常春藤掉落的树枝。了解如何在 Houdini 中将该工具打包为数字资产,然后使用对艺术家友好的界面在虚幻引擎中使用它。


Project Titan Ivy Tool _ Part 1 _ Create the Branches

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-ivy-tool/
Learn how to create branches on objects. Start out with a base shape then scatter points to determine how branches can grow on that object. This will be combined with noises to get more variation. After the branch shapes are created, there is some clean up needed and the branches need to be merged together.


Project Titan Ivy Tool _ Part 2 _ Improve Branches

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-ivy-tool/
Learn how to add more variation on the branches. After creating the base layer of the branches, now it is time to add more variation and break the silhouette. You will create branches that hang from the sides and from bottom parts of shapes.


Project Titan Ivy Tool _ Part 3 _ Add Leaves

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-ivy-tool/
Learn how to add leaves to the branches. Using the branches created earlier, you can now place the leaves. Learn how to control the orientation of leaves when placing them on the branches and how to add variation to the leaves.


Project Titan Ivy Tool _ Part 4 _ Make Digital Asset

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-ivy-tool/
Learn how to make a digital asset for the Ivy system. With all the logic of the tool in place, it is time to collapse it into one node/tool. When making digital assets, you will also learn to create custom parameters, so you can create a good and structured interface for artists.
了解如何为 Ivy 系统制作数字资产。工具的所有逻辑都已就绪,是时候将其折叠成一个节点/工具了。在制作数字资产时,您还将学习创建自定义参数,以便为艺术家创建良好且结构化的界面。


Project Titan Ivy Tool _ Part 5 _ Open in Unreal Engine

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-ivy-tool/
Learn how to open the Ivy tool in Unreal engine. The Ivy tool is ready to be tested in Unreal Engine to see the tool in context. There are still setups you can add, like automatically assigning materials to the leaves and branches. As well as using vertex color stored in Houdini to add wind intensity or random color in Unreal Engine.
了解如何在虚幻引擎中打开 Ivy 工具。 Ivy 工具已准备好在虚幻引擎中进行测试,以在上下文中查看该工具。您仍然可以添加一些设置,例如自动为树叶和树枝分配材料。以及使用存储在 Houdini 中的顶点颜色在虚幻引擎中添加风强度或随机颜色。


Project Titan Ivy Tool _ Part 6 _ Bake to Plane Cards

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-ivy-tool/
The Ivy tool by default can output high resolution geometry for the leaves. Learn how to bake out plane cards for a more efficient representation of the Ivy. A plane will capture the Ivy into a texture that can be used in a variety of ways.
Ivy 工具默认可以输出高分辨率的叶子几何图形。了解如何烘烤平面卡片以更有效地展示常春藤。飞机会将常春藤捕获到可以以多种方式使用的纹理中。
