引线炸弹爆炸全流程Houdini Foundations | Destruction FX

引线炸弹爆炸全流程Houdini Foundations | Destruction FX

Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX _ Introduction

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
One of the things that makes visual effects fun is that you get to blow things up without causing any real damage. In this lesson, you will light a fuse using particle sparks then explode a cartoon bomb using rigid body dynamics for the shell of the bomb and Pyro FX for the fire and smoke. This lesson will teach you how to set up dynamic simulations using a variety of shelf tools and network nodes.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
使视觉效果变得有趣的一件事是,您可以在不造成任何实际损坏的情况下将其炸毁。在本课程中,您将使用粒子火花点燃保险丝,然后使用刚体动力学作为炸弹外壳并使用 Pyro FX 作为火焰和烟雾来引爆卡通炸弹。本课将教您如何使用各种货架工具和网络节点设置动态模拟。


Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX 01 _ Model the Bomb

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
To create the bomb geometry, start with a primitive sphere and modify it to define the opening at the top. This will involve a few poly extrudes and bevels to define the geometry you will need for the final shape. Later in the lesson, you will fracture the bomb.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/


Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX 02 _ Model the Fuse

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
To create the Fuse, start with a Bezier curve that emerges from the top of the bomb. You can then snake the curve on the ground to create a longer fuse. Reverse the curve direction to get ready for animating the fuse then add a Polywire node to give the fuse thickness.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
要创建引信,请从炸弹顶部出现的贝塞尔曲线开始。然后,您可以在地面上弯曲曲线以创建更长的保险丝。反转曲线方向以准备为熔断器设置动画,然后添加 Polywire 节点以提供熔断器厚度。


Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX 03 _ Animate the Fuse

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
Animate the fuse using a Carve node that lets you control the length of the curve over time. Add a round cap to the fuse that will be used to emit soot and sparks. You need to set up tangents on the curve to ensure that the cap follows along properly. Next add some NULL objects to make it easier to export the cap for use in emitting particles.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
使用 Carve 节点为熔断器设置动画,该节点可让您控制曲线随时间变化的长度。在保险丝上加一个圆帽,用于排放烟灰和火花。您需要在曲线上设置切线以确保帽正确跟随。接下来添加一些 NULL 对象,以便更轻松地导出帽子以用于发射粒子。


Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX 04 _ Create an Animated Camera

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
As you develop this shot further, it would be helpful to have a camera set up to frame the final shot. This camera rig will be built by constraining a null object to a curve then using an aim constraint to point the camera to the null object. This will give you a camera that follows the end of the fuse to make it easier to evaluate the particles as they are being emitted.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/


Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX 05 _ Create a Soot Trail

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
To create a soot trail, use the end cap to emit a trail of particles. Learn how to emit these points properly and how to add forces such as gravity to control the motion of the particles. Learn how to set up collisions where the particles either stick to the ground or slide off the bomb surface.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/


Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX 06 _ Create Particle Sparks

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
To create sparks, start by copying the soot particle object and make changes to the new object to generate sparks. These particles will have shorter lifespan and will be more active. The Spark Trail node will give you the look you need to add sparks to the shot. You can adjust parameters on this node to get the look you need.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
要创建火花,首先复制烟灰粒子对象并更改新对象以生成火花。这些粒子的寿命会更短,并且会更活跃。 Spark Trail 节点将为您提供在镜头中添加火花所需的外观。您可以调整此节点上的参数以获得所需的外观。


Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX 07 _ Blow up the Bomb

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
For the bomb geometry, a rigid body dynamics simulation will be needed. Start by fracturing the geometry then adding attributes that will create an explosion. You can then control the speed of the moving parts to art direct the look. Once the simulation is ready, you will cache out the geometry to work more efficiently as you move on to the PyroFX stage.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
对于炸弹几何结构,需要进行刚体动力学模拟。首先破坏几何图形,然后添加将创建爆炸的属性。然后,您可以控制移动部件的速度以艺术指导外观。模拟准备好后,您将缓存几何图形,以便在进入 PyroFX 阶段时更有效地工作。


Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX 08 _ Create the PyroFX Explosion

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
As the bomb explodes there needs to be an accompanying fireball. You will start with a Simple Fireball that works on the GPU then make changes to create a look that works for the shot. You can also incorporate the parts of the exploding bomb to push and influence the PyroFX volume in interesting ways.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
当炸弹爆炸时,需要一个伴随的火球。您将从一个适用于 GPU 的简单火球开始,然后进行更改以创建适用于该镜头的外观。您还可以合并爆炸炸弹的各个部分,以有趣的方式推动和影响 PyroFX 音量。


Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX 09 _ Export the Geometry to USD

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
To set up the shot for rendering, you need to export the geometry to USD files that can be referenced into the Solaris context. While you could import the geometry directly, having it cached out as USD will allow you to lock down your sequences then focus on lighting and rendering in Solaris. For some of these objects, you will add UVs before exporting to prep for texturing.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
要设置用于渲染的镜头,您需要将几何图形导出为可在 Solaris 上下文中引用的 USD 文件。虽然您可以直接导入几何图形,但将其缓存为 USD 将允许您锁定序列,然后专注于 Solaris 中的照明和渲染。对于其中一些对象,您将在导出之前添加 UV 以准备纹理。


Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX 10 _ Set up Shot in Solaris

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
Learn how to reference all of the USD files into Solaris then import the camera from the object level. Apply materials to all the elements and start rendering with Karma to evaluate the results. Learn how to add a key light and prepare render settings to explore the final look of the shot.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
了解如何将所有 USD 文件引用到 Solaris,然后从对象级别导入相机。将材质应用于所有元素并开始使用 Karma 进行渲染以评估结果。了解如何添加主光并准备渲染设置以探索镜头的最终外观。


Houdini Foundations _ Destruction FX 11 _ Render the PyroFX

Lessons and PDF: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
To complete the shot, add the fireball USD file then assign the proper material. Next, you will set up another camera to create a wide angle shot of the explosion and then render out the two sequences to achieve the final sequence. You can then preview the results using the Mplay image viewer.
课程和 PDF:sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-destruction-fx/
要完成拍摄,请添加火球 USD 文件,然后分配适当的材料。接下来,您将设置另一个摄像机来创建爆炸的广角镜头,然后渲染出两个序列以实现最终序列。然后,您可以使用 Mplay 图像查看器预览结果。
