Project Titan Smoke Tool

Project Titan Smoke Tool

Project Titan Smoke Tool _ Overview

Lessons and Project Files:
A quick overview of all the different parts of the Smoke tool lesson. Take a look at where you are headed with this lesson.


Project Titan Smoke Tool _ Part 1 _ Make Smoke Simulations

Lessons and Project Files:
Learn how to set up a smoke simulation. Start with a base shape that gets used as an emitter for the smoke. This simulation will be created inside of the geometry level using the Pyro Solver to create nice and interesting smoke.
了解如何设置烟雾模拟。从用作烟雾发射器的基本形状开始。此模拟将使用 Pyro Solver 在几何级别内创建,以创建漂亮有趣的烟雾。


Project Titan Smoke Tool _ Part 2 _ Create Digital Asset

Lessons and Project Files:
Learn how to make a digital asset out of the setup. This will now be one single node that can be used in Houdini to generate a variation of smoke simulations. Learn how to create a custom interface with parameters so you can control the outcome.
了解如何从设置中制作数字资产。现在,这将是一个单一的节点,可以在 Houdini 中用于生成各种烟雾模拟。了解如何使用参数创建自定义界面,以便控制结果。


Project Titan Smoke Tool _ Part 3 _ Use Labs Flipbook Textures

Lessons and Project Files:
Learn how to use the SideFX Labs Flipbook Textures node. The smoke itself can’t be directly imported into a game engine therefore you will need to use this technique. Learn how to render out each frame of the smoke animation into textures. The textures are then used to playback the animation in a more game friendly way.
了解如何使用 SideFX Labs Flipbook Textures 节点。烟雾本身不能直接导入游戏引擎,因此您需要使用此技术。了解如何将烟雾动画的每一帧渲染成纹理。然后使用纹理以更加游戏友好的方式播放动画。


Project Titan Smoke Tool _ Part 4 _ Use Flipbooks in Unreal Engine

Lessons and Project Files:
Learn how to use the flipbook textures in Unreal. With the textures rendered out, it is time to create a base particle in Unreal Engine. There are many ways of how you can import the textures. In the video you will see 2 ways, using a plane and using particles.
了解如何在 Unreal 中使用翻书纹理。渲染出纹理后,是时候在虚幻引擎中创建基础粒子了。有很多方法可以导入纹理。在视频中,您将看到 2 种方式,使用平面和使用粒子。
