程序化叶子Creating a Procedural Leaf Recipe in Houdini

程序化叶子Creating a Procedural Leaf Recipe in Houdini

In this intermediate-level tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a procedural leaf recipe in Houdini. You’ll start by creating the basic shape of the leaf using various tools and techniques. Then, you’ll explore how to add basic controllers to control the shape of the leaf and how to apply rough displacement to give it a more realistic look.

Next, you’ll learn how to add variation to the leaf when it’s planted on a stem by using different techniques to create unique shapes and sizes. You’ll also learn how to create bug/insects bite on the leaf to make it look even more realistic.

Throughout the tutorial, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the tools and techniques available in Houdini, which will help you take your skills to the next level. Whether you’re a 3D artist looking to expand your knowledge or a Houdini beginner looking for new challenges, this tutorial is perfect for you.

Timeline Highlights: Creating a Procedural Leaf Recipe in Houdini

Base Leaf Shape Creation: 00:20
Adding Roughness to the Leaf: 16:45
UV Unwrapping: 22:08
Creating a Leaf Subnet and Promoting Parameters: 23:23
Stem Creation and Copying Leaves: 25:34
Adding Bug/Insect Bites: 35:33

Background music used in this video is from bgsound.com. Thank you for providing great music for content creators!
在此中级教程中,您将学习如何在 Houdini 中创建程序化叶子配方。您将从使用各种工具和技术创建叶子的基本形状开始。然后,您将探索如何添加基本控制器来控制叶子的形状,以及如何应用粗略置换来赋予它更逼真的外观。


在整个教程中,您将更深入地了解 Houdini 中可用的工具和技术,这将帮助您将技能提升到一个新的水平。无论您是希望扩展知识的 3D 艺术家,还是寻求新挑战的 Houdini 初学者,本教程都非常适合您。

时间线亮点:在 Houdini 中创建程序化叶子配方


本视频中使用的背景音乐来自 bgsound.com。感谢您为内容创作者提供美妙的音乐!
