水气球Simple Vellum Water Balloon Set up in Houdini

水气球Simple Vellum Water Balloon Set up in Houdini

This video shows how to make a simple water balloon set up with Vellum in Houdini.

Bonus tip: In the video, I create an expression to change the number of pieces, but you can also turn on and randomise the cost attribute to change the layout at the same time. Thanks Derya Öztürk for the tip!
该视频展示了如何在 Houdini 中使用 Vellum 制作一个简单的水气球。

额外提示:在视频中,我创建了一个表达式来更改块数,但您也可以打开并随机化成本属性以同时更改布局。感谢 Derya Öztürk 的提示!
