体积压缩Stark Houdini Volume Compress

体积压缩Stark Houdini Volume Compress

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In this short Houdini FX Tip, I go over a method of reducing the sizes and difficulty of working with massive Volume Caches. Whether it be from Fire, Smoke, Velocities, I show you how you can make it more manageable with out any huge loss to quality. You will also get faster results because your computer will not have to work as hard.

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在这个简短的Houdini FX提示中,我讨论了一种减少使用大量卷缓存的大小和难度的方法。无论是Fire,Smoke,Velocities,我都会向您展示如何使其更易于管理,同时避免任何巨大的质量损失。您也可以获得更快的结果,因为您的计算机不必那么努力。