Houdini 17固体烟雾制作过程Houdini 17 Solid Smoke R&D Mini Breakdown/Process

Houdini 17固体烟雾制作过程Houdini 17 Solid Smoke R&D Mini Breakdown/Process

Some people asked how i setup these tests so I thought i would put together a fancy little video recording all the steps i took to make this weird thing. If you see any truly backwards dumb Houdini processes please let me know in the comments.

I in no way think this THE way to achieve this type of effect, just had fun testing things out and seeing what would happen.

You can also follow me on Instagram and Twitter @isaactaracks for more test and random opinions. Cheers!


您还可以在Instagram和Twitter @isaactaracks上关注我,获取更多测试和随机意见。干杯!