使用PYTHON在Houdini中设置渲染层Set-up Render Passes in Houdini using PYTHON
This video shows a way to set up passes in Houdini using Python. Houdini already has ways to do that, using takes or object masks in the ROP node, but using Python opens the doors for alot more flexibility. I am a beginner programmer, I have experience mostly with the Artist aspect of the work. I use Houdini Apprentice for this tutorial.
此视频显示了使用Python在Houdini中设置传递的方法。 Houdini已经有办法在ROP节点中使用take或object mask,但是使用Python打开了更多灵活性的大门。我是初学程序员,我的工作经验主要是艺术家方面。我在本教程中使用Houdini Apprentice。