PDG与游戏研发 | 第3节PDG for Indie Gamedev | Section 3

PDG与游戏研发 | 第3节PDG for Indie Gamedev | Section 3

In this next section we are going to dive into our level building process and begin with developing the top network to generate terrains. This will walk us through a workflow that allows us to completely design our terrains within the Unity Editor. We will walk through how to design an HDA to enable level designers to layout a terrain and then how to process the layout into a final Unity terrain complete with erosion and split into tiles.This lesson is part of a larger collection of tutorials which you can access here along with project files:

To start our terrain building process we should let level designers provide some sort of input to the system rather than let the system procedurally generate a landscape for us. In this lecture we are going to build an HDA from the ground up to allow level artists to do just that. We will look at how we can use the Houdini Engine painter to give designers control over where mountains should be placed and how big they should be. We will then close out the section by learning how we can export from an HDA, directly inside of the Unity engine.This lesson is part of a larger collection of tutorials which you can access here along with project files:
为了开始我们的地形构建过程,我们应该让关卡设计师为系统提供某种输入,而不是让系统在程序上为我们生成景观。在本次讲座中,我们将从头开始构建一个HDA,以允许关卡艺术家做到这一点。我们将看看我们如何使用Houdini Engine画家让设计师控制山脉应该放在哪里以及它们应该有多大。然后,我们将通过学习如何从Unity引擎中直接导出HDA来关闭该部分。本课程是大量教程的一部分,您可以在此处访问这些教程以及项目文件:

Without HAD built, let’s take some time and make sure everything is working the way we want inside of the Unity editor.This lesson is part of a larger collection of tutorials which you can access here along with project files:

Now that we have a rough level layout for our terrain, let’s now focus our attention on building the main TOP network that will be responsible for building our entire level. This will introduce you to building larger TOP networks specifically for the Unity Game Engine.This lesson is part of a larger collection of tutorials which you can access here along with project files:

In this lecture we are going to convert our layout geometry into a usable Heightfield, so we can leverage all the Heightfield functionality inside of Houdini. This will set us up to erode, split, texture and scatter our terrain.This lesson is part of a larger collection of tutorials which you can access here along with project files:

Just about every large game terrain uses erosion to add more realism to the look and feel. So let’s go and add some erosion to our TOP network and provide some controls for users to tweak the look.This lesson is part of a larger collection of tutorials which you can access here along with project files:

In this lecture we are going to test out our TOP network inside of Unity. This will also get us more comfortable with the development process when using TOPs with the Houdini Engine.This lesson is part of a larger collection of tutorials which you can access here along with project files:

One of the core components of a terrain is its material and textures. What we want to do is automatically assign our textures to the Terrain while it is being built. So let’s take a look at how we do this with Houdini, TOPs and the Houdini Engine for Unity.This lesson is part of a larger collection of tutorials which you can access here along with project files:
地形的核心组成部分之一是其材质和纹理。我们想要做的是在构建Terrain时自动将纹理分配给Terrain。让我们来看看我们如何使用Houdini,TOP和Unity的Houdini Engine。本课程是大量教程的一部分,您可以在此处访问这些教程以及项目文件:

Now that we have the HAD which is responsible for the texturing of the terrain, let’s get it hooked into the TOP network so it is producing the textures for our terrain inside of Unity.This lesson is part of a larger collection of tutorials which you can access here along with project files:

To finish off our terrain, we should take a look at how to split our terrains using TOPs. This is great for large scale terrains so we can take advantage of the Occlusion Culling feature in Unity.This lesson is part of a larger collection of tutorials which you can access here along with project files:

To close out this section let’s do a quick review of the topics we covered throughout the lectures.This lesson is part of a larger collection of tutorials which you can access here along with project files: