

Houdini Vellum Cloth test #2. Animated rest length attribute (Vellum Cloth+Struts).
I enjoyed to make this sim and realized that Vellum Solver was sooo fast and responsive even with high substeps number and detailed mesh.
Music: The Smiling Buddhas – Pulse
P.S. Some people here asked me how it was done. I will prepare and post small quick description in a few days.
Houdini Vellum布料测试#2。动画休息长度属性(Vellum Cloth + Struts)。
我很高兴制作这款SIM卡,并意识到Vellum Solver即使在高子步数和细节网格的情况下也非常快速且反应灵敏。
音乐:微笑的佛 – 脉冲