玩Houdini就是玩数据!Stark Houdini It’s Just Data!

玩Houdini就是玩数据!Stark Houdini It’s Just Data!

My After Effects Course – https://gumroad.com/michaelstark
VFX OR DIE shirt – https://society6.com/mstarktv

In this overview I try to show beginners that are intimidated with Houdini, that all you are doing is playing around with Data. I create a simple gradient based off of all the colors in an image and line them up from darkest to lightest – all using simple concepts.
My After Effects Course – https://gumroad.com/michaelstark
VFX OR DIE shirt – https://society6.com/mstarktv

在本概述中,我尝试向Houdini表示恐惧的初学者,你正在做的就是玩弄数据。我根据图像中的所有颜色创建一个简单的渐变,并将它们从最黑暗到最轻的排列 – 所有这些都使用简单的概念。