Houdini17高细节火焰燃烧模拟+渲染Fire Behavior and Shader R&D – (H17 – HIP File)
A fire simulation made with pyro solver using Houdini 1…
A fire simulation made with pyro solver using Houdini 1…
Xenomoprhed fun weekend with vellum and flip HIP vellum…
Made this little fun project in my spare time.Get the H…
download : gumroad.com/l/TearingFX 谷歌翻译:下载:gumroad.com/…
I share a basic setup of fractures based on curves and …
Now, I know what most of you want to comment but seriou…
Houdini scene file , for a fire camp and sparks with co…
Two different setups to give smoke sims multiple colors…
A method to orient the containers of the Pyro cluster c…
.hip (for Patrons): patreon.com/posts/denting-metal-269…
Yo dudes. This test just shows a couple different meshi…
Houdini 17 Destruction , Using Boolean Fracture free hi…
First time doing fur in Houdini! I had more fun that I …
Hip file: 1drv.ms/u/s!Anso9OwNuhrYm1dt2f2Me0tEO1Qc 视频下载…
This is my first try to make a car crash scene. Basical…